Michigan's Premier Bass Tournament Circuit 

Open Singles Bass Tournaments

90+% PAYBACK AT RAMP - Payback to be one place to cash for every 7 contestants

$70 ENTRY FEE - There is also an optional Big Bass Pot and and Option Pot at each tournament.

BOATS - You must have a boat (at least 14 ft), with livewell capacity to keep your fish alive. No non-boaters for this tournament series.

SAME DAY MEETING - The mandatory contestant meeting/registration will start 1 1/2 hours before sunrise (local time).  Your blast-off position will be chosen at that time.  No pre-registration allowed.

NO MEMBERSHIP FEE - Pay at the ramp the day of the tournament.  Only Cash will be accepted for entry fee (no checks).  Cash will be paid to those who finish in the money.

LIE DETECTOR TESTING - Anyone who finishes in the money, including Big Bass Pot, may be asked to take a lie detector test, at the discretion of the Tournament Directors.  You MUST pass to receive your money!

TOURNAMENT RULES - A complete copy of tournament rules can be picked up at registration.

Over $850 worth of merchandise, donated by the sponsors, to be given away at each tournament, at weigh-in, to those who did not cash.  Must be present to win!

  What's New?  ( Updated 8-18-24)

Shoe’sTop Bass Tournament Trail held its 8th tournament of the 2024 season on Lake St. Helen.This tournament was named “The Yamaha Outboards & Jay’s Sporting Goods Open”, after two of our Great Sponsors.This was one of the best tournaments that Top Bass has had on St. Helen in regards to fish caught. We had 36 limits come to the scales. There were plenty of big fish that got weighed in. We had 1-6#. 2-5#, 5-4# & 23-3# bass come to scales. The big bags probably had more 3+# bass in them that did not get weighed individually. All fish were released alive.

Congratulations to Keith Gyulveszi, from Clare who had an outstanding day with a big limit of 18.57# to take First Place honors. Second Place went to John Franko, from Clare, with another great bag the hit the scales at 17.92#. Not far behind was Mike Parsons, from Clare, with 17.39#, which contained Big Bass for the tournament at a whopping 6.03#. You can view complete results HERE. 

Thanks to all that participated and hope to see you September 21st & 22nd, 2024   for the  The Northwoods Wholesale Outlet  - 2 Day CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT- Saginaw River/Limited Bay Independence Bridge Launch – (By USS Edison Battleship)  To qualify – you MUST have fished at least 1 tournament to fish this event. 


Shoe’s Top Bass Tournament Trail will hold its 9th and final tournament of the 2024 season on the Saginaw River/ limited Bay on Sept 21st and Sept 22th 2024. The 2 day tournament will launch out of the Independence Bridge launch, by the USS Edison. The weather on Saturday and Sunday is forcast to be nice so come on out! Weigh in Saturday will be at 3:00PM and 2:00PM on Sunday.

Please visit our Sponsors!

 For More Information

Call Elmer Daniels (517) 962-2345 email: topbass2@comcast.net

or Tom Shoemaker (989) 313-0700 email: tshoebp@yahoo.com

Webmaster: Steve Slackta  email: SteveFish57@Yahoo.com

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