From left to right Billy Booth, Andy Maier and Keith Gyulveszi
Shoe’s Top Bass Tournament Trail, held its 3rd tournament of the 2024 season, on Lake St. Helen on June 15th, 2024. The tournament launched out of the Richfield Township Boat Launch on Lake St. Helen. The weather for the tournament was partly cloudy and temp in the 70’s, with about 10-14mph winds.
The fishing was tough in the wind, but there were a good number of bass that came to the scales.
We had 37 limits and several with 3-4 bass that were weighed in. The limits for the most part were small, as there were only 18 bass over 3# and 3 over 4# that made it to the scales.
Congratulations to Andy Maier, from Midland, who won this event with a 5 fish limit at 15.93#. Billy Booth, from Midland, was close behind in Second Place with 15.41#. In Third Place, we had KJeith Gyulveszi, from Clare with 13.63#, and was anchored by Big Bass for the tournament at 4.63#. Fourth Place was held down by Al German, from Vassar with 13.35#. We then had Doctor Dave Newcomb, from Hope, who was back with us, and he took down Fifth Place with 13.28#.
We want to give a special “Thank You” to Johnson Outdoors’s – Humminbird & Minn Kota, for being the title sponsors of this tournament.
Top 24 only
1. Andy Maier, Midland 15.93#
2. Billy Booth, Midland 15.41#
3. Keith Gyulveszi, Clare 13.63#
4. Al German, Vassar 13.35#
5. Dr. Dave Newcomb, Hope 13.28#
6. Bill Hurley, Waterford 12.32#
7. Bill Shermeta,Traverse City 12.18#
8. Steve Bigelow, Gladwin 12.14#
9. Jeff Plutt, Houghton Lake 12.08#
10. John Franko, Clare 11.74#
11. Morris Collins,W.Bloomfield 11.44#
12. Paul Affholder,Traverse City 11.43#
13. Bob Wozniak, Pinconning 11.14#
14. Steve Slackta, Grand Blanc 11.12#
15. Kyle Kigar, Gladwin 11.11#
16. Chris Santti, Redford 11.09#
17. Justin Dankert, Saginaw 10.93#
18. Ken Vincent, Zeeland 10.92#
19. Matt Mosby, Lapeer 10.86#
20. Brendan Gulveszi, Clare 10.46#
21. Mark Reinke, Gladwin 10.29#
22. Ron Conner, Oxford 10.05#
23. Jordan Dopp, Sanford 10.01#
24. Michael Sielinski, Gladwin 9.89#
June 29, 2024 Frank's Great Outdoors - *Challenge 1* - Houghton Lake – West End DNR Launch
July 13, 2024 Frank's Great Outdoors - *Challenge 2* - Missaukee Lake – Missaukee Co. Park Launch
July 20, 2024 The EGO Fishing Open - Houghton Lake – West End DNR Launch
*SPECIAL CHALLENGE TOURNAMENTS – Frank’s Great Outdoors is sponsoring 2 regular one day tournaments with an added Challenge Tournament format (Optional). For an added $30 on June 29th (Houghton Lake), you will be entered into the 2 lake Challenge tournament. Total weight from both Challenges (Houghton Lake June 29th & Missaukee Lake July 13th), will determine the winners. Payout for the Challenge – 1 in 7, with sponsor adding $$$$ to that prize fund. You can still fish the June 29th & July 13th tournaments, without entering the Challenge. The Challenge is optional.
For More Information
Call Elmer Daniels (517) 962-2345 email:
or Tom Shoemaker (989) 313-0700